Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hockey Game with Rachel

The day after Thanksgiving I ended up not having to work so Mike and I took Rachel up on her offer to go to the hockey game. They won the game. Mike and Garrett kept busy playing rock paper scissors and Noah hardly cried! Rachel also had us over for dinner. We had Thanksgiving dinner. Rachel makes a great Turkey.

the trip down the stairs

So thanks to Rachel we have a blog. I will work on perfecting it. But we are hanging out in Utah with Mike's family. But this has nothing to do with my wonderful foot! Last Tuesday night I was doing last minute things before bed...granted I was supposed to work that next morning. Needless to say it did not happen. I was heading to the dryer with all the lights on and fell down the stairs. Twisted my ankle...but man it hurt like it was broken. I was screaming for an hour. Thanks to tylenol, motrin and ambien I was able to sleep that night. Mike called Katie and Jimmy it was almost midnight. Jimmy was in a study group and the next day Katie thought it was all a dream.